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Thorsten Löffler

Coaching & Consulting

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Change means leaving your comfort zone.

Because without change there is no progress.

My passion is to accompany you on your change journey.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.


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Thorsten Löffler

Coaching & Consulting

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Change means leaving your comfort zone.

Because without change there is no progress.

My passion is to accompany you on your change journey.

I’m looking forward to meeting you soon.


1:1 Career Consulting

Individual Career Consulting involves providing support on career-related topics according to your situation and your needs.

1:1 Life Coaching

In my Integral Coaching Program, I accompany you in releasing a creative process, which increases your personal and professional potential and allows you to change old behaviors and patterns.

Workshops & Trainings

Upon request, I will be happy to support your organization with the following topics:

Conception & implementation of soft skills trainings & team building workshops in both German and English

What my customers say about me...

1:1 Career Consulting

Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I permanently unhappy in my current position?
  • Do I want to seek a new challenge because my current job doesn’t challenge me enough?
  • Am I a university graduate and looking for my first job?
  • Am I a migrant/opportunity card holder and looking for my first job in Germany? 
  • Am I affected by staff reductions in my company?

If you can answer at least one of these questions with YES, check out my Career Consulting services below.

Logo Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Logo Wits Universtiy
Wits Universtiy
Logo Graduate School of Business
Graduate School of Business
Logo Leibniz-Universitaet-Hannover
Leibniz Universität Hannover

Book a call here and you’ll get your individual offer depending on your needs. 

1:1 Life Coaching

If you can answer YES to at least one of the following questions, the Integral Coaching Program is just right for you:

  • Do I feel alone and insecure in my new position?
  • Am I struggling with imposter syndrome?
  • Am I retiring soon and I’m anxious about it as I feel that there is no purpose in my life anymore?
  • Am I a highly sensitive person, a PoC, and/or from the LGBTIQ+ community and do I consider this a disadvantage?
  • Do I have low self-confidence and therefore don’t know my strengths?
  • Do I have a problem saying “no”?
  • Do I always put my needs behind others?
  • Have I experienced “ghosting” and it negatively influenced my self-confidence?

What’s Integral Coaching and what is special about it?

Integral Coaching is a holistic approach to personal and professional development that includes the three centres of intelligence – cognitive (head), emotions (heart) and somatic (body). Especially our body is telling us a lot if we carefully listen to it. 

The coaching approach is based on the Integral Theory developed by philosopher Ken Wilber.

This type of coaching uses an open questions technique, supported by active listening that will help coachees with self-observations to create awareness of unconscious patterns of behaviour. It also reinforces those with practices to build an embodied competence that helps shift behavior in a positive direction.

Here are some key details about my coaching program:

Coaching sessions are held on Zoom or on request in person in Berlin in my office. 

With good weather, sessions can also be walking/outside at different places in Berlin. 

Sessions are available in both English and German.

I’m offering three different packages including 6, 9 or 12 sessions. 

If necessary, I’m also making use of career consulting services or methods from systemic coaching. 

Book a call here and you’ll get your individual offer depending on your needs.

Book your free initial consultation now and secure your individual offer tailored specifically to your needs.

Workshops & Trainings

  • Do you want to improve communication and collaboration in your team?
  • Does your team want to develop a new shared vision?
  • Do you want to increase cohesion and the “we-feeling” in your team? 

If yes, this is my offer:

  • Conception and implementation of soft skills trainings and/or team-building workshops – tailored to the individual needs of your organization.
  • High involvement of participants through interactive activities, discussions and practical exercises. 
  • Evaluation of the sustainable impact of the workshops and trainings

Workshops and trainings are offered in German & English.

Book your free initial consultation now and secure your individual offer tailored specifically to your needs.

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